(480) 433-6036 [email protected]

Image sourced trip.com

Did you know Arizona has a lot of incentives, programs, and grant opportunities, making Arizona one of the most desirable places to do business? Arizona lowered taxes, streamlined regulations, and created a group of incentives to support corporate growth. Below are a few of the many incentives offed by Arizona, you can find more information at Arizona Commerce Authority Website, as well as apply for any of these grants or incentives.

* Additional Depreciation: speeds up depreciation schedules of commercial personal property.
* Angel Investment: tax credit given to investors who provide capital investments in small businesses, ACA certified.
* Commercial/Industrial Solar: tax credit is given for installation of solar energy devices in AZ business Facilities.
* Computer Data Center Program: Transaction Privilege Tax, and Use Tax, gives tax credits on qualifying purchases.
* Foreign Trade Zone: up to an 80% reduction in state real and personal property taxes for those located in the zone or sub-zone.
* Job Training: up to 75% reimbursement grant for eligible job training.
* Lease Excise: a redevelopment tool that replaces the real property tax with an excise tax.
* Sales Tax Exemptions for Manufacturing.
* Work Opportunity: Federal tax credit is given to private sector businesses from groups who have face employment barriers.

If you are looking for a building for your company or looking to invest please contact me I am here to help you start the process.
