Tips for Real Estate Investing
Image sourced travelandleisure.com 3 Benefits of Real Estate Investment Builds Equity: Each mortgage payment is a deposit into your saving for your future Tax Benefits: You can save on your taxes by deducting the interest you pay on your mortgage payments...
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Beautiful Art for Bigger Zoning
Image sourced spa.contactdesign.com A dozen or more Scottsdale development projects have taken advantage of a city zoning code provision adopted five years ago. This Provision allows developers to build a taller denser building in exchange for public art and...
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Valley Economic Growth Is On the Rise
Image sourced foter.com Did you know last year The Valley's tech-job growth was 58%? Combined with cheap labor, and year round sunshine the Valley is turning into a mini silicon valley. Every year more and more engineering jobs, technical, and digital jobs are...
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Why is Scottsdale Growing so Fast?
Image sourced reopenarizona.com Many business and companies have chosen to grow in Scottsdale for quite a few great reasons. First is the cost of doing business, Greater Phoenix area offers a variety of business tax credits and programs to strengthen a thriving...
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Valley Street Cars of Yesterday
Did you know in 1887 the city of Phoenix first mass transportation was mule and horse drawn trolley cars in downtown? The first streetcar route was along Washington Street and included 8 miles of track. In 1893 electric streetcars were added, as the city grew so did...
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How Does Scottsdale Rank?
Image sourced eastvalleymarkets.com * Ranked #1 in WalletHubs list of Top 10 Best Cities for Jobs 2017 * Highly Ranked by GoodCall as a great place for new grads 2017 * Best city to lead an active lifestyle. * One of the best cities to start up a company. * Was in top...
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Arizona, Land of Opportunity
Image sourced trip.com Did you know Arizona has a lot of incentives, programs, and grant opportunities, making Arizona one of the most desirable places to do business? Arizona lowered taxes, streamlined regulations, and created a group of incentives to support...
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